Posts Tagged ‘nikon’

Ah! This is the life of a photographer. I got a call at 1115pm today and in an hour, I am down at the site where the job is to photograph tanks rolling onto an F1 track. To cut things short, I needed to document the process, get the shots in and get it on their desk asap. So not much photos that I can publish but I could probably show u this…

SAF Tanks at City Hall.

ah, hell… one more won’t hurt…

Twin Tanks

Ok. Like in all photos, I shall let it speak for itself… here’s the beginning of my 2010 works:

Jaime 2010 IntimaC

Jamie 2010 Psyche

Jamie 2010

Jamie 2010 Smiles

Jamie 2010 Akimbo Freedom

Jamie 2010 Happy Bunny

Nicholas 2010 Faded Smile

There’s an exhibition that I am participating together with 3 other fellow local photographers. Just wanted to get some information out as to where, when, what, who of the exhibition.


Launch Date: 15th Jan 2010 @8pm


Muse Gallery

268 Upper Bukit Timah Rd

#03-09, Singapore 588210

Related Links:

Press Release

Facebook Invite

Fusheng’s Website

Elaine’s Website

John Heng’s Bio

Wong Kin Leong’s Website

Brought to you by:

Muse Gallery

Nicholas Foo

Leon Foo

Jamie Lewis

Excerpt from the Press Release:

In our fast paced urban world, we constantly seek spaces that bring us comfort and rest. We seek our very own “4walls”, our own spaces of comfort. But in a globalised world, our “4walls” are not constrained by time, country or language; we can find our solace anywhere in the world. Comfort can be found in the faces of children, in nature’s landscape, in street musicians, in flowers, in cafés…

Yet, do our “4walls” liberate us from urban pain or do they lock us in, locking others out? Are our “4walls” our liberation or our prison?


this is going to be my summary of my year in photography. 2009… Wat a hell of a year…so let’s go!

The Videos:

Exactly 1 year ago: A wedding of a beautiful couple.





Next is my Play Series:

Spent 3 mths coming up with these conceptual shots of Singapore, so onto Feb2009

Part1/2 “Random”

Part2/2 “Colorful”

March2009, I came up with a “Tour Singapore” Series

Transition Part1

Imagination Part2

Crossroads Part3

“Serieux” Series.

On March28, I released an architecture piece named “Square”

And then a video about a student in Singapore

“Street Photography” Series.

and an international collaboration of 6 photographers with the help of Twitter.

“My Works” Series

showcasing what I do…

and I have an exhibit on Orchard Road…

Now tat’s for videos on YouTube. Next on… my photography stills:



Making of Formula 1

Actual Formula 1 Weekend

FDI World Convention

Night Aerial Photography (Helicopter photography)

Redbull X Fighters

Victoria Theater Heritage Shoot for STB

last but not least, a tour of West Malaysia

I am missing a Christmas 2009 for STB shoot that is still unpublished, will do that once I am done with it.

So I suppose that’s 2009… now let’s bring on 2010! Happy New Year everyone!

Every end of the year, I end up with a bit of time to myself and I set about rediscovering and experiment artistically. And what do I do? I run into the theatres and spend sometime there watching latest movies. Always good to watch movie and see what is happening around the world.

The first one last week was Avatar, which I think went down pretty well… in the kind of “Final Fantasy” kinda way and today, I watched Sherlock Holmes, (trailer included in this post)

Oddly, and I am just shooting this off my head, I saw artistic stuff in there that reflected my own kind of works this year, in terms of colors, textures and even the black and white treatment you see at the end of the credits. hmm… I shall sleep over it and digest all this… am I doing this right? and where am I to go towards next year? lots more rediscovering to do…and somehow, I think I know what I want to do… let’s see how good your observations are on my moves…my dear Watson…

“Because of styles, people are separated. They are not united because styles became law. But the original founder of the style started out with hypothesis-but now it has become the gospel truth”-Bruce Lee

Have a look at this video, narrated by Bruce Lee and his ideas behind his art form.

Suddenly, what he says makes sense. We shall not follow a style in photography, but more of an hypothesis and be a founder of our own path. We should be like water…

“Here I am, as a human being, how can I express myself?”-Bruce Lee

Ride by Wong Kin Leong


a stark rider, asian origin sets off in motion a still photo with a hint of a richly tactile background. the darkness enveloping him shows the uncertainty and malice, and his hidden face shows no emotions, making this a compelling photo of dubiety.

But yet, light on his back shows that there is hope towards where the rider is going, lighting his path and not too disturbed by his present self. There is hope in days to come, and the present is only a state of mind.

This Photo-

Here’s to no processing RAW photos onto jpeg. And just plain camera technique. Shouldn’t be too difficult to realize that I have been gone from photography for a holiday and I have been refining my camera techniques. Well, I am back. 😀 This photo is the result of my last few months of work and dreaming, prepping for next year and a different look to my photography. Hopefully, more serious and yet, entertaining side to my works. I hope you enjoy my next year in photography. Thank you for being around, you know who you are. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year guys!

Kids needs a target… sometimes, we, the arrow…

Being a photographer doesn’t mean taking photos 24/7/365, but to get others to take photos as well. At exactly 12pm, I met up with 3 students of Temasek Polytechnic studying journalism and had an interview with them.

Basically, it’s a “How I got to be a photographer” interview. But knowing me to be me, meeting up with them got me thinking of how far I have gone since those college days and the amount of things that I know now that probably would be a gem to have if I knew back then.

Educating the young is a very important aspect of photography. Not only in the means of getting them into schools and holding a class, but to get them out and chase their dreams. How many of us have dreamt big dreams only to be extinguished in the classroom of, “no, you can’t do it that way…” I have my fair share, trust me on that.

And if you are nodding your head in unison, don’t despair just yet cos this is why I am writing this. The vast amount of knowledge we have should be shared, in ways that makes our youth in society aspire to be great. I use the word great like I would use the word to describe Einstein.

So how do we make a difference? How about putting some of your expertise to good use? Have a mentoring programme?

an interview and a starbucks coffee

So I was sitting there with these 3 kids right, and they were talking about the interview, the projects for their school and a lot more about their education. The first thing that I felt was, they weren’t exactly enthusiastic about the things that they did, in the sense that I am enthusiastic giving that interview. Now how can they be jaded when they just started? Something’s gotta be wrong somewhere.

What’s a deck of cards got to do with all this?

Magic tricks and a business card...

Well, I was talking about photography and this boy kept on playing with his deck of cards, and I was wondering what’s the deal with it, so he started showing me card tricks, like amazing magic card tricks and I was pretty impressed. He did it pretty well, and I asked him how long has he been at it. 1 year! So that’s it, if a guy takes a deck of cards wherever he goes and keeps on learning tricks and repeats it and keeps practicing, the improvement will be tremendous.

So who takes their camera wherever you go? So anyone who wants to excel in anything needs a certain amount of gumption, the passion to take their art wherever they go and have the enthusiasm to go for it, and that means having a camera along wherever they go?

So back to the point on enthusiasm. Why are these kids talking to me and looking jaded? I have this funny feeling that they need a sense of occasion to do things that they want to do. And I am talking about getting out there and actually doing it. How many times have you done things alone and wondered if you are doing it right? All those moments of second guessing? Now, how about us doing them a favour and taking them out and point them in the right direction? I sure needed that when I was their age… Mentoring, could be something great.

Here’s to Jason and Lyn!

There I am, photographer to the couple. When Jason approached me to do this for them, he didn’t know what he was getting cos he asked me to photograph his wedding dinner only. So there I was, cooking up plans and ways to photograph for them and came up with this approach where I will follow them through the whole process of the wedding.

Finally, after much prep work and getting the couple to see what I have planned, I met up with the couple two days back and they were buzzing with excitement. The occasion, choosing everything and decisions for their wedding dinner. It wasn’t an easy task to select things that came along such a great occasion, but here’s the photographs whilst they were doing that.

Lyn and Jason Ho

Somehow, weddings always give me good vibes and a proper reason to do more than I need to when it comes to photography. Where’s the fun in photographing a wedding dinner when I don’t really know the couple?

Lyn selects while Jason looks on...

Hence, I always made it a point to get to know them, and as time goes, it becomes a good way of getting better photos that makes sense. And a few new friends along the way.

Jason does his selection and pleased with himself now...

So Jason and Lyn, after a few minutes of me hanging around snapping away, gets comfy and down to business.

Weddings are always better if they both decide... naturally...

I do think they make a wonderful couple, and everytime I shoot a wedding, the photos always tells their love…

her gaze says it all...

As you can see, Jason and Lyn has it good… And tell you what, you’ll be following their wedding together with me…

and those rings, that's a story...

because I am blogging all about their wedding as it leads to the wedding day…

a laugh... a joyous occasion indeed...

and a journalistic wedding photography means you get to enjoy it all too…

decisions to be made...

so save this post, and come along for a wedding for the new year…

yes... that's a wrap...

Photographer for event: Wong Kin Leong

Date of Wedding: 1st Jan 2010

Btw, my previous wedding photography works are found here

New Entry by Jason, the groom. Read all about his emotions and thoughts all the way through the New Year wedding.

UPDATE 28/09/09

Here’s an update to the wedding… a fitting session today and here’s the photos without giving too much away of course…You guys will have to wait till the actual day to see them in full glory… so.. still in black and white, for now…

Lyn waits for her fitting session...

All the options and decisions..


suit up...

Jason's looking fab in black...

Remember that Christmas Turkey u scoffed down??

hang in there now...

I really love the way you look...


almost there... 2010 is coming along just right

next update: Wedding Day @ 1st Jan 2010

UPDATE 1/1/2010

So here we go! Wedding day. Are you ready for all the photos?

This is from the photoshoot for Jason and Lyn’s Portrait Display on Orchard Hotel’s entrance

Jason and Lyn's Portrait. Wedding Outdoor Shoot.

This made me smile... I love it...

Next is an interesting perspective shot, nearly broke my back for this. 😛

Jason and Lyn's Weird Perspective Wedding Outdoor

This is inspired by a lifestyle advert photoshoot

Lyn's Solo Wedding Shoot 1

Lyn's Solo Shoot

Preparation for a Wedding:

Check In @ The Fullerton, The Loft

Hectic beginning...

Let's get the team together...

the start of a union

getting last minute arrangements done...

smiles for a new year...

make up and hair...

looking great...


hungry... don't think this is an advert... it really isn't...

the party's about to begin...

and the groom gets in on the act too..

food glorious...

a bridesmaid from Pri1...

still on the iPhone with last min arrangements...

to be continued….

this is one of those pictures where I created a lot more noise than expected. Few things that I was trying to aim for…

1) Composition rules above noise.
2) Subject matter doesn’t need to be in your face.
3) Colors can make a lot of difference.
4) The expression on her face carries the message of the photo.
5) Experimenting to see if I could get something more than my usual stuff.

“No one understands noise”

I got a lot of feedback that there is a lot of unwanted attention to the noise. That is a good critique, and definitely a point to note. But I like that noise actually, and please comment below if u do like it too. Do stand up with me on this. Unfortunately, that means that noise isn’t exactly much welcomed by others, but I will continue experimenting, and strike me dead, but I want noise to be an art form.

“Forward Thinking my Aquarian friends…”

Here is my take on digital noise, and in this case, Nikon D700 noise at ISO3200 and post processing. Film grain is old school noise, appreciated, acknowledged. But in digital world, noise have not gotten its artistic recognition, and believe it or not, love it or not, in years to come, there will be an appreciation of digital noise, just that we have not explored enough and deliberately made digital noise into an art form. We will of course in time to come, and just like film grain, digital noise shall take its place in digital photography. Mark my words… all we need is to experiment enough to make it into an art form.